“Defende me usque in Aeternum”

2020 has been a difficult year for everyone, the virus has taken a lot from us, from simple experiences to our loved ones, in the worst case forever. A year that forced us to see life with different eyes. With the support of the Municipality of San Giorgio Bigarello, I wanted to create this Mural on an Enel Cabin, to better understand the life of our planet; a small window of colour, but one that also had a very important meaning for me. 

We must commit ourselves to save our planet! “Defende me usque in aeternum”, protect me forever.

She is Gaea, the Greek representation of the Goddess of the Earth, and she is asking us for help, we must protect her forever. The dreamlike figure is surrounded by the animals of the earth (the wolf), the sky (the crow) and the sea (the turtle). There are also many details to look for, from the little crab stuck in the plastic glass, to the bee that is going towards the danger of extinction. Insects, flowers and leaves adorn her silvery hair. The Earth is losing its colours, it is withering under our poisons.

“Protect my flesh, the soil, the nature that hosts us.

Protect my blood, the oceans, seas and rivers that quench our thirst.

Protect my children, the animals we are killing.”

“Defende me usque in Aeternum”

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