Ca’ Sgarioli

The village of Ca ‘Sgarioli, Santa Maria della Versa (PV) 2008

The term Ca ‘Sgarioli derives from “Sgariolo”, nickname of the Pavese nobleman Antonio Fiori, who lived between 1400 and 1500, whose family owned the hamlet, previously known as Casa Fiori. This village has the typical characteristics of a medieval settlement: dominant hill, easy sighting and good defensibility of the position. The Borgo consists of a sixteenth-century residential unit with an imposing portal and rooms partially preserved in their primitive appearance.

Project: We wanted to recover the medieval village which includes an imposing arch of particular value, a small church still consecrated, the ancient stone walls of the buildings destined to the wine cellars. The dilapidated and dilapidated structures have been rebuilt with materials such as salvaged bricks and tiles. The two ancient wells, still working, have been restored and equipped with a specific lighting system to enhance their beauty. The remaining buildings have been restored by restoring the foundations and using suitable and natural materials both in the wall parts and in the colors chosen by the Superintendency.

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